Report #13: 2014 Legislative Elections: An Analysis of Clean Election Participation and Outcomes

About the Series

The Money in Politics Project is a series of thirteen reports about the role and effect of money on Maine politics. The reports combine a review of publicly available campaign finance data with on-the-ground analysis of how money influences Maine's elections, government, and public policy. Maine Citizens for Clean Electionslaunched this project because money in politics is an issue of vital concern to the people of Maine, one that goes to the heart of our democratic system.
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An Analysis of Clean Election Participation and Outcomes

Download the full report: Letter-sized 

The Maine Clean Election Act underwent significant changes prior to this election cycle, and many have asked how those changes will affect the success of the program and the makeup of the 127th Legislature which began work in January 2015.

All of the information included in this report was obtained from data downloaded from the public web pages of the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices.

Read more in the full report: Letter-sized