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In the Press
Agree to Disagree: 15 bolder predictions for 2015, Ethan Strimling, The Portland Press Herald, 12/31/2014
BJ McCollister on the Clean Elections Initiative , The George Hale Ric Tyler Show, WVOM 101.3, 11/3/2014
Cleaner Elections in Maine, Ron Beard, WERU 89.9, 10/24/2014
Big Talk Radio, WMPG 90.9, 7/7/2014
Congress has very few working class members. Here’s why that matters, Lee Drutman, Sunlight Foundation, 6/3/2014
What I learned fighting to reclaim Maine elections for Mainers, Trey Stewart, The Bangor Daily News, 12/28/2014
How Elections Should Be, Chris Johnson, The Lincoln County News, 11/17/2014
Maine Voices: Oppression in foreign governments shows the value of Clean Elections, Anna Kellar, The Portland Press Herald, 11/3/2014
Help Make Elections Cleaner , Cushman D. Anthony, The Times Record, 11/3/2014
BJ McCollister: Clean Elections Initiative will improve transparency of campaign finances, BJ McCollister, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 11/2/2014
Maine's Clean Elections law needs to be restored , Ben Cohen, CNN, 10/28/2014
Clean Elections must be restored in Maine, Andrew Bossie, The Journal Tribune, 10/25/2014
Grass-roots effort for new Clean Elections law, Marilyn Canavan, The Morning Sentinel, 10/24/2014
Negative campaign ads are poisoning our democracy, Alan Caron, The Portland Press Herald, 10/23/2014
I should owe favors to constituents: Why this Republican favors Clean Elections, Sen. Edward Youngblood, The Bangor Daily News, 10/14/2014
More money in politics is not what Maine people want, Andrew Bossie, The Bangor Daily News, 9/4/2014
Maine Voices: Time for Mainers to push back against big-money dominance of elections, Jill Ward, The Portland Press Herald, 8/27/2014
Large Donors Fund the Best Candidates Money Can Buy, Jill Goldthwait, The Ellsworth American, 8/21/2014
Maine Voices: Protecting our environment starts with protecting our democracy, Lyn Sudlow, The Portland Press Herald, 8/15/2014
Why clean elections offer a democratic alternative to our dangerous politics, John Buell, The Bangor Daily News, 7/29/2014
Deb Simpson: Clean Elections Act in need of repair, Deb Simpson , The Lewiston Sun Journal, 7/13/2014
What Does ‘Clean Elections’ Really Mean?, Judi Curry, San Diego Free Press, 6/10/2014
MAINE COMPASS: Clean Elections initiative builds on importance of small donations, high participation, Ann Luther, The Morning Sentinel, 5/17/2014
Sen. Angus King: Shining Light on Dark Money in Politics, Senator Angus King, The Free Press, 5/14/2014
Clean Elections a Vote against Cynicism, Douglas Rooks, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 5/11/2014
Dark money hearing shows problems: We have solutions, Andrew Bossie, The Hill, 5/1/2014
Maine Voices: Pharmaceutical patent exemption points to power of money in politics, Janice Cooper, The Portland Press Herald, 4/28/2014
A clean environment depends on clean elections, Michael Brune and Jim Frick, The Bangor Daily News, 4/21/2014
Clean Elections on the line, Zach Anchors, The Portland Phoenix, 4/16/2014
How the Latest Supreme Court Decision Affects Money in Maine Politics, Andy O'Brien, The Free Press, 4/10/2014
Money in politics is clear and present danger, Leonard Pitts, The Portland Press Herald, 4/9/2014
Maine Voices: To honor Granny D’s legacy, we must fight for our democracy , Alison Smith, The Portland Press Herald, 4/5/2014
We need a dose of 'Granny D!', Barbara Bates Smith, The Portland Daily Sun, 3/26/2014
Mainers can help stamp out special-interest politics, Edward Erikson, The Forecaster, 1/20/2014
Press Clips
Here's Where Campaign Finance Reform May Move Ahead As Congress Dithers, Paul Blumenthal, The Huffington Post, 12/20/2014
Such a deal, Naomi Schalit, Pine Tree Watchdog, 11/24/2014
Maine Ethics Commission wants more money to shed light on campaign spending, lobbying, Mario Moretto, The Bangor Daily News, 11/19/2014
Where Campaign Finance Reformers Actually Won On Election Day, Paul Blumenthal, The Huffington Post, 11/14/2014
Votes didn’t come cheap in Maine’s race for the Blaine House, Eric Russell, The Portland Press Herald, 11/7/2014
On Money in Politics, 2014 Shows What's Wrong -- and What's Right, Marge Baker, The Huffington Post, 11/6/2014
Maine Group Petitioning for Clean Election Effort, Associated Press, Maine PBN, 11/4/2014
A shift in complexion, but actual change obscured in Maine’s race for governor, Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald, 11/2/2014
Big boost in large donors in Maine governor's race, The Associated Press, 10/31/2014
Report: Big money donors dominate Maine gubernatorial race, Darren Fishell , The Bangor Daily News, 10/30/2014
Citizens initiative for clean elections to circulate petitions, Penobscot Bay Press, 10/23/2014
Eye on Augusta: Petition Drive Under Way on Two Citizen Initiatives to Curb Big Money in Politics, Andy O'Brien, The Free Press, 10/23/2014
Races get rough as outside money pours in, Steve Fuller, The Ellsworth American, 10/22/2014
Barely half of Maine’s legislative candidates tap public campaign fund, a record low since Clean Election Act passed, Mario Moretto, The Bangor Daily News, 10/1/2014
Out-of-state donations flood Maine governor’s race: report, Seth McLaughlin, The Washington Times, 9/25/2014
Analysis Indicates Big Increase in Out-of-State Money Pouring into Maine Governor's Race, Mal Leary, Maine PBN, 9/24/2014
An explosion in out of state donors to Maine gubernatorial candidates, Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald, 9/24/2014
Report: Out-of-state money rises in Maine races, Associated Press, WCSH-6, 9/24/2014
Third-place Cutler campaign far outspending LePage, Michaud in governor’s race, Christopher Cousins, The Bangor Daily News, 9/24/2014
Maine elections open faucet for money from interest groups, Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald, 9/5/2014
Cutler calls for Maine election changes following decision on contributions, Sarah Delage, WCSH-6, 8/28/2014
NewsSource 8 The Morning Edition 08.26.2014, WAGM-8, 8/26/2014
Clean elections advocates use personal stories, collect signatures, The Portland Daily Sun, 8/20/2014
Does Maine’s campaign contributions cap hurt independent candidates?, Mario Moretto, The Bangor Daily News, 7/9/2014
Outside Money Expected to Flow into Maine Governor's Race, A.J. Higgins, Maine PBN, 7/9/2014
Maine lifts $25,000 cap on donations that individuals can make to political candidates each year, Christopher Cousins, The Bangor Daily News, 6/4/2014
Eye on Augusta: State Regulators Recommend $50,000 Fine Against Anti-Gay Marriage Group, Andy O'Brien, The Free Press, 5/21/2014
Eye on Augusta: Clean Elections Advocacy Group Launches Petition, Andy O'Brien, The Free Press, 5/15/2014
Clean Elections Supporters to Pursue Citizens' Initiative, AJay Higgins, Maine PBN, 5/7/2014
Maine Citizens for Clean Elections launches petition to make more cash available to publicly financed candidates, Mario Moretto, The Bangor Daily News, 5/6/2014
Maine group aims to bolster clean elections law, WCSH-6, 5/6/2014
Group launches initiative to bolster Maine campaign finance law, Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald, 5/6/2014
Clean Elections Advocates Propose New Initiative, Rob Poindexter, WABI-5, 5/6/2014
King to chair hearing investigating 'dark money' in politics, Scott Thistle, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 4/30/2014
Group opposing donor limits urges Maine to comply with SCOTUS ruling, Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald, 4/29/2014
LePage vetoes solar energy bill, two others, Christopher Cousins, The Bangor Daily News, 4/11/2014
Supreme Court ruling on campaign contributions may force Maine to change its law , Eric Russell, The Portland Press Herald, 4/4/2014
The Pulse Morning Show: McCutcheon , Don Cookson, 4/3/2014
How the McCutcheon decision impacts Maine elections, Steve Mistler, The Portland Press Herald, 4/3/2014
Supreme Court campaign finance ruling stirs protests, David Carkhuff, The Portland Daily Sun, 4/2/2014
Campaign Funding Ruling Draws Party Line Reactions in Maine, Maine PBN, 4/2/2014
The Pulse Morning Show: CU Anniversary , 1/23/2014
'Clean elections' advocates push for 2015 referendum, David Carkhuff, The Portland Daily Sun, 1/22/2014
Maine group predicts $26.6 million in private money for state races, AP, The Portland Press Herald, 1/21/2014
How Citizens United changed politics, in 6 charts, Chris Cillizza, The Washington Post, 1/21/2014
MPBN News story, Maine PBN, 1/21/2014
Maine election shaping up to be expensive, Chris Rose, WCSH-6, 1/21/2014
Maine Could Be Headed For Priciest Election In History, Rob Poindexter , WABI-5, 1/21/2014
Campaign watchdogs: Private groups will spend 80 percent more on Maine elections in 2014, Mario Moretto , The Bangor Daily News, 1/21/2014
Letters to the Editor
Letter to the editor: Clean Elections Initiative received well by voters, LTE, Andrew A. Cadot, The Portland Press Herald, 11/23/2014
Sign petitions on Election Day , LTE, Richard B. Rottkov, South Portland-Cape Elizabeth Sentry, 11/1/2014
Restore fairness to elections, LTE, Linda Wilcox, The Lewiston Sun Journal, 10/18/2014
Letter: Strengthen Maine's Clean Elections process, LTE, Anne B. Schink, The Forecaster, 10/6/2014
Letter to the editor: Clean elections good for left, right, center, LTE, Erik Squire, The Portland Press Herald, 10/1/2014
Letter to the editor: ‘Clean elections’ petitions are worthy of a signature, LTE, Roy Herrmann, The Portland Press Herald, 9/27/2014
Clean Election, LTE, Carmen Lavertu, The Bangor Daily News, 9/20/2014
Get involved and help shed light on money in Maine elections, LTE, Donna Jones, The Portland Press Herald, 9/19/2014
Maine can vote to keep big money out of politics, LTE, Debby Ronnquist and Nancy Hoop,, 9/16/2014
Mainers Support Maine Clean Election Act, LTE, Lauren Gosster, Coastal Journal, 9/4/2014
Clean up elections, LTE, Shirley “Lee” Davis, The Bangor Daily News, 9/3/2014
Petition push for a stronger clean elections law is on, LTE, Abukar Adan, The Portland Press Herald, 7/10/2014
Fat Cats, LTE, Mallery Dalto, The Bangor Daily News, 6/18/2014
Money in politics, LTE, Amy Hughes , The Bangor Daily News, 6/7/2014
Clean Elections system should extend to Congress, LTE, Cushman D. Anthony, The Portland Press Herald, 5/7/2014
More wealth should not mean more political power, LTE, Andy Wright, The Portland Press Herald, 4/14/2014
Maine Clean Election system merits preserving, LTE, Lucas Desmond, The Portland Press Herald, 4/11/2014
Free speech, LTE, Steve Colhoun, The Bangor Daily News, 4/11/2014
Free speech, LTE, Tod Foster, The Bangor Daily News, 4/8/2014
Court fools, LTE, Alison Smith , The Bangor Daily News, 4/4/2014
Corporate welfare queens , LTE, Jaric Fontaine, The Bangor Daily News, 3/27/2014
Thanks for trying to keep big money politics in check, LTE, Jill Ward, The Portland Press Herald, 3/6/2014
Take Politics Seriously, LTE, Carmen Lavertu, The Free Press, 1/16/2014
Our View: Time to update Maine’s Clean Election Act, The Portland Press Herald, 11/4/2014
Clean Election fix: It takes more than money, The Bangor Daily News, 10/26/2014
Clean Elections Need Our Help , The Times Record, 10/23/2014
OUR OPINION: Campaign finance loophole detrimental to average Maine voters, The Kennebec Journal, 10/20/2014
Our View: Campaign finance trends are bad for democracy, The Portland Press Herald, 9/29/2014
Maine’s battle with National Organization for Marriage is worth it, The Bangor Daily News, 5/26/2014
OUR OPINION: To be involved in Maine election, group must name donors, The Morning Sentinel, 5/21/2014
Our View: Maine’s pragmatic tradition hurt by election ruling , The Portland Press Herald, 4/4/2014